Scriptwriting & Game Narratives

Scripts for Engish language-learning YouTube Channel

Title: DET Final Speaking Sample Success: Put Low Scores on Pause, Part 3 of our 3-part series, The Three P’s of Powerful Speaking

Subtitles: The narration below should appear on-screen as green-boxed white text with graphics (or just the word “pause” in a different color) added to reflect pauses in delivery.

Want to boost your DET score? [pause] Learn how with the secret power of [pause] pauses! In just 60 seconds, [pause] I’ll show you how a simple pause can help you [pause] command authority [pause] and make an impact.

The DET’s Final Speaking Sample section isn't just about grammar and vocabulary. It's about actually communicating. [pause]

Remember, the “Three P's of Powerful Speaking” are
and today’s P: pauses…